HealthTap - Interactive Health

HealthTap  - interactive health

HealthTap is an interactive health company founded by Stanford Graduate School of Business alum Ron Gutman in 2010 to reinvent worldwide the way people take care of their health and well-being. The HealthTap app, both for patients and for doctors, is available across a range of platforms and devices. There are versions for the web and applications for iPhone, iPad, and Android, including wearable smartwatches.

HealthTap  - interactive health
Press and Expansion

HealthTap has garnered media coverage in publications including The New York Times, Forbes, TIME., San Francisco Chronicle, TechCrunch, CNBC, Wired, Fast Company, Inc. (magazine), and PC Magazine.

HealthTap  - interactive health

Commenting on HealthTap in early 2012, Peter W. Carmel, president of the American Medical Association, said the Internet should “complement, not replace, the communication between a patient and their physician.” With online health advice, the doctor doesn't take a history, doesn't do a physical exam, and doesn't monitor or assess any suggested treatment. "Using this information in isolation could pose a threat to patients,” he said.

In March 2015, HealthTap hired Dr. Jay Wohlgemuth, former Chief Scientific Officer and SVP of R&D and Medical at Quest Diagnostics as its new Chief Healthcare Officer. In a recent Forbes article, Dr. Wohlgemuth stated his intention to spread the benefits of HealthTap's transparent doctor-patient meritocracy "without 'disrupting' the whole healthcare system as other digital-health companies claim to’s a false dichotomy: Why put traditional medicine and digital health at odds with one another when they’re really so complementary? 'If you have patients who are seeking healthcare,' he explains, 'ultimately they’re going to plug into bricks and mortar.'".

HealthTap  - interactive health

HealthTap  - interactive health
External links

  • HealthTap main page:

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