Cobra - Cobra Health Insurance

Cobra - cobra health insurance

Cobra is the common name of various elapid snakes, most of which belonging to the genus Naja.

Cobra - cobra health insurance

All of the known cobras are venomous and many are capable of rearing upwards and producing a hood when threatened.

Cobra - cobra health insurance
Known cobras

All members of the genus Naja, the "true" cobras, rear and produce hoods.

Other "cobra" genera and species are as follows:

  • The rinkhals, or ring-necked spitting cobra, Hemachatus haemachatus
  • The king cobra, Ophiophagus hannah
  • The two species of tree cobra, Goldie's tree cobra and black tree cobra
  • The two species of shieldnose cobras, cape coral snake and Aspidelaps scutatus
  • The two species of black desert cobra, desert black snake and Walterinnesia morgani, neither of which rears or produces a hood
  • The so-called American cobra, the Eastern coral snake, which also does not rear or produce a hood

The false water cobra, Hydrodynastes gigas, is the only "cobra" which is not a member of the Elapidae. It does not rear, produces only a slight flattening of the neck, and is only mildly venomous.

Cobra - cobra health insurance

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